Sunday, June 23, 2019

With friends like these...


  1. Ans - Eduardo Saverin(co-founder of Facebook)
    Exp - He recently invested in the startup Bounce, His role in the movie 'The Social Network' was played by Andrew Garfield, he got a deal with Ben Mezrich to write the book on which the movie is based, Mark Zuckerberg told that he liked meteorology and how he once made a lot of money by predicting oil prices.

  2. Is this The Social Network based on Facebook's story?
    Ben Mizrich wrote about it and Andrew Garfield was cast in the movie.

  3. eduardo saverin
    potrayed by andrew garfeild in the social network, he backed two-wheeler rental startup Bounce , ben mezrich wrote the book the accidental billionaires

  4. eduardo saverin
    potrayed by andrew garfeild in the social network, he backed two-wheeler rental startup Bounce , ben mezrich wrote the book the accidental billionaires

  5. Eduardo Saverin

  6. The correct answer is Eduardo Saverin.


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