Monday, October 11, 2010

Daily Trivia #376 The name's Bondwa! James Bondwa! (Quiz-a-day's 1st question)

First question for Quiz-a-day, 11th October.
Sitter really....
For 1st & 2nd year students of BIT Mesra, register here and answer this question here to win!

For the rest, comment as usual. :)


  1. walther ppk used by bindra and also by bondwa

  2. Ace shooter and Olympic gold medallist Abhinav Bindra will be the new face to promote German-made Walther guns, made famous by James Bond movies.

  3. bindra is the CEO of Abhinav Futuristics, the sole distributor of Walther arms in India. Abhinav has sponsorship tie-ups with Samsung and Sahara Group and bonds favorite and most used gun is wather ppk

  4. walter arms..
    walter pistol
    james bond uses walter
    abhinav bindra is distributor for it

  5. I m a final yr connect is Walther Arms
    1.Pic of Walther PK 380
    2.Walther pistols were used by 007
    3.Abhinav Bindra,CEO,Abhinav Futuristics,sole distributor of Walther arms in India

  6. Abhinav Bindra is the new brand ambassador of Carl Walther Ltd.

    Also, his company Abhinav Futuristic Ltd is in-charge of the guns' sales and marketing in India.

    The Walther guns were made famous by the James Bond movies.

  7. Walther.

    Bindra owns the firm thats the redistributor for Walther in India. James Bond uses a Walther PPK.

    And I think its the same one thats shown in the pic.


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