Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daily Trivia #582 'Indestructible'

Whats the common element ? (4/5)


  1. adamantium- hammerhead's head, wolverine's claws...

  2. Hammerhead
    the characters name is hammerhead.
    Hammerhead productions was hired for special effects in x-men.
    Hammerhead is an animal in avatar.

  3. Adamantium.

    Hammerhead's skull, Wolverine's claws, and Perseus' sickle/sword used to decapitate the Gorgon Medusa.

  4. Answer:

    ADAMANTIUM - Wolverine's skeleton, hammerhead's skull and the sword/sickle used by Perseus to decapitate Medusa, were all made of Adamantium.


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