Monday, February 25, 2013

Not Another Quiz : Review

Genesis '13
Date: February 24, 2013
Venue: CAT
Quizmaster: Pranshumaan Singh

This 'anti' quiz was the brainchild of Pranshumaan Singh. It was the second quiz of the UNESQUO's <United Engineers Speaking & Quizzing Organisation> fest GENESIS. Having already conducted a conventional quiz (MELA <music,entertainment,literature and arts> quiz), this quiz was tailored for those who consider themselves to be non-quizzers. We believe everyone loves quizzing. They just don’t know it. There has to be something more than money which drives ‘KBC’ and many other such popular shows.

The idea was to use unconventional rounds involving generally popular methods of asking questions like crosswords, puzzles, odd one out, etc. The G.K. quotient required for answering was kept low and most of the answers involved stuff everyone comes across.  In course of preparing the quiz we found that it was, in no way, easier than making any normal quiz; for it did take the better part of two straight nights! Yet, it did give us the best of the times we had had making a quiz. Tapping the untapped, we found things that amazed us, entertained us and made making ‘not another quiz’ really worth the time put into it. We hope those who faced this quiz or will do so now would have the same opinion.
<found in course of research for the quiz: print ads for epic gayman hair cream, good manners and lungi>

Intro (was not planned, but put up after stitching a few hilarious videos found while making this anti-quiz). Do watch if you are a Mithun Da fan or do not mind tweaking the mythology a bit.



The six qualifiers were:
Saumya Bora & Aishwarya Mishra (2k12)
Kanishka Ganguly & Vishesh Dokaniya (2k11) 

Abhi Pandey & Apoorv (2k12)
Yash Raj Khusro & Shobhit Narain (2k12)
Gaurav Chakraborty & Saurav Raj (2k12)
Rohit Chakraborty & Mayank Sinha (2k12) 

The MAINS consisted of 7 rounds . They were (slides along with answers) :

1. Whose Picture Is It Any Way?
This round had pictures which were directly related to some well known person.

2. So Familiar!
Various products we come across have a picture of a person on them. Here we give you the pictures and you give us the brand.

3. Johnny Mnemonic
We use various methods to remember things. Here are a collection of mnemonics. Identify what they help us remember.

4. 15 Qs In This R.
Suppose the name of the round is the question. Then your answer would be ‘ 15 Questions in this Round’! Indulge and you will get the hang of it after a couple of questions.

5. Nerd Pride
Things we don’t need to know but proud to know anyway.

6. Disconnect.
Since this is an anti quiz, instead of connecting, you need to disconnect. (find the odd one out).

7. Hoo Haa Bhajan
Simple Audio-Visual round to wrap it up.

The quiz was very closely contested and with pretty high scores. The final Standings were as follows:

1st: Kanishka Ganguly & Vishesh Dokaniya (2k11) - 185 
2nd: Saumya Bora & Aishwarya Mishra (2k12) - 180
3rd: Saurav Chakraborty & Saurav Raj (2k12)  - 165

       Rohit Chakraborty & Mayank Sinha (2k12) - 165
5th: Abhi Pandey & Apoorv (2k12)  - 150

6th: Yash Raj Khusro & Shobhit Narain (2k12) – 145

Congratulations to everyone who participated!
And that’s how ‘not another quiz’
came to its conclusion.

Abhishek Kumar
with Pranshumaan Singh and Debjit Roy.

Bouquets and brickbats are welcome.


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