Friday, May 3, 2013


Q2. Connect these two images.

[Question on the blog will be posted on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday(Bonus Question).
Stars on the top of the pic is the rating of the question out of 5, it's not "Chatur Singh Two Star" or something.]

Answer to the previous question:

Carol Ann Susi(TBBT): Voice of Howard's mother
Sandip Vinayak Prabhu(Bigg Boss)


  1. Pumpkin and Honeybunny characters from Pulp Fiction. Amit Trivedi composed the jingle for Idea using these names.

  2. Idea Jingle which Amit Trivedi composed, Honey Bunny one?

  3. "The Honey Bunny ad by Idea"

    The first image is a scene from the movie pulp fiction(where they address each other as honey bunny and pumpkin respectively).

    The bottom image is of the composer of the jingle.

  4. Honey Bunny

    1. Pulp Fiction characters Honey Bunny and Pumpkin
    2. Amit Trivedi, composer of the jingle

  5. connect is pumpkin pumpkin honey bunny song
    composer-amit trivedi
    Tim Roth was called ‘Pumpkin’ and Amanda Plummer ‘Honey Bunny' in pulp fiction
    answer given by (rohit chakraborty,be/10097/2012,civil engg)

  6. pumpkin honey bunny of pulp fiction
    Amit Trivedi composed the pumpkin pumpkin honey bunny jingle of idea

  7. The Idea's Honey Bunny Song
    Amit Trivedi the composer
    Idea's Brand Ambassador : Junior B
    Music close to Pulp Fiction

  8. Honey Bunny
    (Amanda Plummer "Honey Bunny" in Pulp Fiction and Amit Trivedi composed Honey Bunny jingle for Idea Cellular)

  9. Abhishek Bachchan

    the frst pic has pumpkin and honey bunny from pulp fiction... (now those words featuring in the Idea tune).. 2nd is amit trivedi.. recently visited bachchan's house after his success in Kai Po Che to pay tribute to amitabh bachchan..

  10. Hunny Bunny...the peaople who held the join in Pulp Ficiton...and Amit trivedis recent jig

  11. Honey Bunny- the Idea jingle and Honey Bunny and Pumpkin were the names of Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer in Pulp Fiction

  12. Pumpkin and Honey Bunny
    1.Pulp Fiction
    2.Amit trivedi-composer of idea honey bunny

  13. Idea Cellular
    1. Pumpkin and Honey Boney in pulp Fiction
    2. Amit Trivedi: music of Idea
    Connection with juniorB: IDEA cellular

  14. The first picture depicts a scene from the movie Pulp Fiction where the song Misirlou plays in background.
    The second picture shows the Kaminey movie composer who composed the song Dhan Te Nan believed to be a copy of Misirlou.

  15. Pulp fiction- Honey Bunny and Pumpkin
    Amit Trivedi- Composer of Idea Honey Bunny song

  16. the connection is "honey bunny"
    the guy calls d gal honey bunny in d mov pulp fiction

    n the idea jingle created by amit trivedi :)

  17. the connection is "honey bunny"
    the gal's nickname in pulp fiction
    n the idea jingle created by amit trivedi

  18. honey bunny
    amanda plummer was honeybunny in pulp fiction
    amit trivedi composed the idea cellular jingle "hello honey bunny".

  19. Pic 1 - scene from Pulp Fiction where husband calls her wife by the name Honey Bunny

    Pic 2 - Amit Trivedi, the music composer

    Connect - The IDEA cellular ad tone Honey Bunny which was created by Amit Trivedi only.

  20. Correct Answer : Idea 'honeybunny' jingle. Pulp Fiction scene where they call each other 'Pumpkin' and 'Honeybunny'. Amit Trivedi who composed the jingle.


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