Monday, September 9, 2013

MMX III: Shut Up and Bounce !

Connect , laterally.
(You can still attempt the previous questions until the answers are revealed.)


  1. Miley Cyrus' performance at the VMA (moonman awards) 2013.

  2. miley cyrus VMA performance...

  3. Moon Man by Stephan Schesh, MoonMan awards at MTV VMA,Miley's recent VMA "performance". Cyrus the Great, Miley Cyrus...Ying Yang Twins's recent song "Miley Cyrus" apparently inspired by Miley Cyrus.

  4. the connect is twerking:miley cyrus at mtv awards and the song by ying yang twins dedicated to her.

  5. Moonman - The MTV Video Music award
    Cyrus The Great - reference to Miley Cyrus
    Whisle While You Twerk by Yin Yang Twins - Twerking: Miley Cyrus' recent performance at the VMA.

  6. MTV VMA 2013 - Miley Cyrus's wild act.

  7. MTV Video Music Awards

  8. 1. Moon Man: MTV VMA Awards
    2. Cyrus The Great
    3. Whistle while you twurk (twerk) by Yin Yang Twins.
    The answer is 'twerking': recently added to the Oxford English dictionary. Miley Cyrus VMA awards performance will also fetch points.


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