Friday, October 10, 2014

DT #641: Everyone's Favourite

What is this a list of?
  1. Banana Nut Fudge
  2. Black Walnut
  3. Burgundy Cherry
  4. Butterscotch Ribbon
  5. Cherry Macaroon
  6. Chocolate
  7. Chocolate Almond
  8. Chocolate Chip
  9. Chocolate Fudge
  10. Chocolate Mint
  11. Chocolate Ribbon
  12. Coffee
  13. Coffee Candy
  14. Date Nut
  15. Egg Nog
  16. French Vanilla
  17. Green Mint Stick
  18. Lemon Crisp
  19. Lemon Custard
  20. Lemon Sherbet
  21. Maple Nut
  22. Orange Sherbet
  23. Peach
  24. Peppermint Fudge Ribbon
  25. Peppermint Stick
  26. Pineapple Sherbet
  27. Raspberry Sherbet
  28. Rocky Road 
  29. Strawberry
  30. Vanilla
  31. Vanilla Burnt Almond


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