Monday, June 4, 2018

Summer and CHILL


  1. Netflix set to build a library of African movies and shows

  2. Netflix, as in: CRGI has a 10.5% stake in it, Beasts of No Nation recieved a near exclusive release on the paltofrm ( a scene of which is featured afore) and the Obama couple are in talks with it, for their content.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Obamas will be producing a TV series in association with Netflix.
    Capital research global investor is the biggest stakeholder of Netflix.

  5. Barack and Michelle Obama recently signed a deal with Netflix to produce movies and shows for them. Their production company is named "Higher Ground Productions"

  6. Obama's drama series on netflix

  7. Netflix.
    The Obamas recently signed as producers for Netflix.
    The first second is one of the shows.
    CRGI have a 10% stake in Netflix.

  8. Netflix.
    Michelle and Barack Obama haha signed a deal with netflix to produce films and documentaries. The second image is from 'Beasts of no Nation', which was produced by Netflix. Capital Research Global Investors is the largest stakeholder in Netflix.

  9. Obamas have signed a deal with Netflix to form their production company Higher Ground Productions, Beasts of no Nation was the first movie produced by Netflix and Capital Research Global Investors holds the largest number of shares in Netflix. Also Netflix and CHill.
    So anyone who mentioned Netflix gets points.

  10. On a side note, people who answer through their blogger accounts or use nicknames are advised to mention their real names in their comments. It will be easier for us to create the leaderboard.


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